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The Law Of Attraction
The Law Of Attraction Is Not About WISH and WAIT! It's about TO BELIEVE AND TO DO!

Many of you have probably heard of the law of attraction. Here you will find out what it is, and how to make it work for yourself, and why it can be even dangerous to use it wrong!

The law of attraction is thousands of years old.

Buddha taught that "what you think, you become."
Shakespeare wrote, "nothing is, unless our thinking makes it so."
Walt Disney famously cited, "if you can dream it, you can do it."

The concept of the law of attraction is that all of your thoughts influence how you feel, and how you feel, impacts what you attract in your life. This way you create your own reality. In simple words, you can attract everything in your life only by thinking about it or focusing on it.

It is true that everything that happens to us we created ourselves. Your reality is a product of your thought process. But most people are lost in the law of attraction, and they believe if they "sent their request" to the universe they will get it. And they spent years just dreaming about something they really want, and they believe in it, and they wait and wait but it never happens — later on, they say — the law of attraction doesn't work it's nonsense. But let me tell you a SECRET!

The law of attraction is not about wishing and waiting.
It's about believing and doing.

Yes, you can create your reality with your thoughts alone, but you prove your intentions through action.
I would highly recommend you to watch the movie 'The Secret'. It's on Netflix and on Youtube. It's positive and set's up the perfect vibe for every beginning! Good luck! Have fun watching it!

The law of attraction is not about wishing and waiting.
It's about believing and doing.

Yes, you can create your reality with your thoughts alone, but you prove your intentions through action.
At the end I would highly recommend you to watch the movie 'The Secret'. It's on Netflix and on Youtube. It's a very positive movie and the sets up creates the perfect vibe for every beginning!
Have fun watching it!

Mindset. Don't make your life more complicated.

Don't make your path more difficult for yourself. Don't create problems for yourself. Don't try to solve problems you haven't faced yet. I've seen so many people who're trying to solve their problems before they have even started doing something.

For example, there was a man who wanted to open a business, but he was afraid that if he started up a business, he might have problems or conflicts. He believed that if he had employees then there would be conflicts. Before he even started up his business, before even getting clients, he was trying to learn how he would solve conflicts between employees he hadn't hired yet.

Why do we humans do this? It is because we are trying to avoid our FEARS! We are just trying to escape from our fears by solving non existing problems ahead. You are FOCUSING on problems instead of focusing on your business, on your goal. Before trying to solve problems, you did not face yet (the problem ONLY exist it in your mind) and instead of focusing on your goal you are focusing on a problem you MIGHT face in the FUTURE. That is not how it works!

You should just solve the problems you face. Do not try to solve something what you think could maybe happen in future. That's not productive. there is always the shortest way, but we — Humans are making our path more complicated because we do not believe that it can be EASY, it can be joyful, you can be satisfied, you can just enjoy your way.

Don't be lost in an infinite learning loop.

Another form of procrastination is getting lost in an infinite amount of learning processes that you might never even need in your life! The thought that something we WANT is not easy to accomplish is counterproductive. Instead — believe that it is EASY rather than making it complex and difficult ourselves. Creating problems for ourselves, trying to predict some isseus and solve them AHEAD — no! Do not do it! You just WASTE your TIME worrying instead of getting ahead. Just start working towards your goal and IF and only IF you face those conflicts, well, yes, then — go work on them, take those courses, read those books and ask people for advice. But only when it is truly needed otherwise you will be lost in an infinite amount of learning — there are hundreds of questions that you might need to solve before starting to work at your goal:

To illustrate: before starting a business I need to learn something about marketing. But marketing is not enough, copywriting is essential as well. I still do not know how to build a team or how to create a strategy or how to do THIS, THAT… etc" and at the END you just going to know a BUNCH of the things you do not even need to start, but you refuse to start because you THOUGHT you might NEED them in the FUTURE. When you actually start doing the business then you realize that this are just some theories and in practice things can be totally different and you can face problems you did not think about in the first place. So, just acquire new knowledge when you actually need to use it.

For example,

Imagine you launched a project and you realised that you need to learn more about marketing, because you think that your marketing strategies should be optimized and you want to improve your skills. Okay, NOW you can go and take courses OR delegate this problem to somebody who already has skills — hire someone or make a team, work, share with people who already invested their time into this and do not waste your time solving the problems that do not exist.
What have you already manifested through the law of attraction?
Tell me in the comment section or on my social media.

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